What if Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow collided with Normal People in the universe of Everything Everywhere All at Once?
It would spawn WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER, a time-bending, decades-long quest for immortality catapulting you from Japan to Silicon Valley to eternity.
This is the greatest romance you will ever read without the happily ever after. Yuki and Sam are soulmates.
They are destined to spend the rest of their lives together. They are supposed to love one another, forever. But when a miracle drug is released which can extend a human's life indefinitely, Sam chooses to live forever, instead of loving Yuki forever - and the world they know is spun inside out.
WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER plunges into a parallel universe where forever is on sale to the highest bidder. What comes next is a world-building epic narrated by an intersecting cast of characters that will drive you to the edge of reality and leave you to answer biggest questions of all: What is life without death? What is life without love? A beautifully written book with a genius concept. Who Wants to Live forever probes and searches like the best fiction does.